3 firm promises that we make when you opt for Core
“The process is partly automatic, but right at the end there is always an experienced designer at Crius Group who checks everything and adapts it to our personal wishes.”
👉 Editor, Linda Visser, Ambo|Anthos uitgevers
1. Cost savings of over 50% at publishers Ambo|Anthos
Ambo|Anthos publishers has been using Core since 2018. This allows them to
produce their books faster and cheaper without compromising on quality.
Linda Visser, editor at Ambo|Anthos, realised that her publishing company could not just ignore a saving of over 50%. But what did this mean for her work? Let’s find out!
2. Experienced specialists who understand making books
Apart from the new working method, it soon became clear to Linda that she would be doing business with a company that understands making books.
To get to know our new partner properly, our team prepared a number of Ambo|Anthos books the traditional way, which gave us a clear idea of their publisher’s list. During the analysis that followed, we created the graphic templates together. What teamwork!
3. Comprehensive support, step by step
Convinced of our experience, Ambo|Anthos followed our advice about InCopy and Core to the letter and gradually became familiar with the new working method.
“Structuring your manuscript, doing corrections in InCopy yourself, making new proofs. Crius Group supported us well with these new tasks. They provided training and helped us with problems by phone and online. Now that we are used to the system, we don’t need this anywhere near as often,” Linda Visser says.
What does mean Core in practice for an editor?
More layout responsibilities
As an editor, with Core you have more responsibilities as regards the layout of the book. The structure of your manuscript needs to be correct before you upload it into Core and you do corrections yourself.
First proof within a few minutes
But there are also a number of things that you no longer do as an editor. Editor Linda explains: “All the emails going back and forth about proofs is definitely a thing of the past. Most of it happens digitally now and often in a single revision. So it goes a lot faster. You have your first proof in a couple of minutes and if it’s not right, you have a new one in no time. As a result, you can reprint entirely by yourself if changes are made in the colophon.”
Making choices when designing the book yourself
The great thing about Core is that you are in control and you are making your own book, as it were. You work according to a well-defined process, but you have additional freedoms. For instance, with Esther Verhoef’s new book, Linda offered the author various designs that she could choose from. This doesn’t cost anything, because all the proofs are made automatically and at Crius Group we charge per end product. You’re welcome. 😉
“But the most important thing is without doubt the quality of our books”, says Linda. “That has definitely not deteriorated. The process is partly automatic, but right at the end there is always an experienced designer at Crius Group who checks everything and adapts it to our personal wishes. It’s a nice feeling and it makes for great cooperation!”
About Ambo|Anthos publishers
Ambo|Anthos has held a prominent position in the Dutch-language literary landscape for over half a century and stands out due to the wide range of titles it publishes. Ambo|Anthos covers a high-quality list of non-fiction, fiction and thrillers, making it one of the most successful Dutch publishers.
Do you recognise this story and would you like to benefit from Core as a total solution, too?
Our Sales Director Marcel Van Denken would be pleased to come along and see you. ☕
Contact Marcel or call us on +32 (0)15 750 750