Switching automatically between the regular book format and that of the dwarsligger®
“Saving time and money thanks to an automated process."
👉 Editor, Tamara Doornink, Uitgeverij dwarsligger
What exactly is a dwarsligger®?
The dwarsligger® or flipback is an entire book in a compact, portable format. Well-known to and loved by every bookworm. A dwarsligger® is as small and light as a mobile telephone, and yet it is totally readable.
But how do you go from the regular book format to that of the dwarsligger® during production? And can this process be automated? That’s really something that our Crius Group team can help Uitgeverij dwarsligger with.
Making dwarsliggers with Core total solution
Because Uitgeverij dwarsligger is part of Ambo|Anthos Uitgevers and Core was already used there, the team decided to produce the dwarsliggers® in Core, as well.
But it took longer than expected. The difficulties? Dwarsliggers involve existing books and the manuscript is not usually provided in MS Word, but in different formats such as InDesign, Quark, PDF, etc. The file then has to be converted to the correct design manually. So it was high time this was automated, too.
“Crius Group helped us automate the process. They developed various templates, each using the agreed number of lines per page. When the book is uploaded in the typesetting package, they determine which template should be used to obtain the most suitable layout and dimensions”, explains Tamara Doornink, editor at Uitgeverij dwarsligger.
Automation leads to smarter, more efficient and cheaper production.
In addition, our team drew up an efficient workflow for Uitgeverij dwarsligger. The working method at the publishing house is now almost paperless and they make corrections themselves easily using InCopy. This saves the team a lot of time.
“The price per page is substantially lower than it used to be, as well. So our work is not only smarter and more efficient, but also cheaper”, Tamara confirms.
About Uitgeverij dwarsligger of Ambo|Anthos publishers
Ambo|Anthos is a Dutch publishing house with over 50 years’ experience. Together with the Royal Jongbloed printing firm, they developed the dwarsligger® or flipback concept and introduced it onto the market. They now work with many different publishers to bring out their books in dwarsligger® format as well.
Do you recognise this story and would you like to make automated books, too?
Our Sales Director Marcel Van Denken would be pleased to come along and see you. ☕
Contact Marcel or call us on +32 (0)15 750 750