Making life easier for both print and digital content

"Error-free and up-to-date, in print and digitally. When everything really has to be spot on."

👉 Editor, Julie Benschop, WalburgPers

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First things first, who is Walburg Pers or what do they do?

Walburg Pers is part of Amsterdam University Press (AUP) and publishes accessible and specific books in the fields of history, law, art and culture. One of the major elements is the legal publishing list, including manuals for notaries and the Notariaat Online platform.


Notariaat Online, the project that WalburgPers brought to Crius Group

Notariaat Online is a handy knowledge platform for notaries and other legal experts. The platform provides an enormous amount of professional information that can be consulted both online and in manuals.

Due to this combination of print and online, plus the need for the content to be up to date at all times, Walburg Pers was looking for a party that could take on much of the process. Did we want to help make the work easier? With pleasure! What began as the further professionalisation of the existing process ended up being a total process aimed at making life easier.

Collecting and publishing content more efficiently

At Walburg Pers, they needed to improve a complex working method. Two things were crucial here:

  • First of all, the content had to be clearly and correctly displayed on any screen.
  • In addition, everything had to be published efficiently from the same source (web cms) to folio (paper book), making sure the layout was just right, of course.

To achieve this, our team first implemented two improvements. Firstly, all content is provided with the correct coding so that exporting to the folio product is relatively easy.

In addition, we developed a script that translates these codes into the correct design. As a result, the graphics are correct as well and less manual work is needed when formatting the paper book. Handy, right?

“This was a one-off effort that we can put to good use many times over!” – Julie Benschop, Walburg Pers

Smooth and uniform, thanks to technical editing by Crius Group

Confidence in our team grew and Walburg Pers decided to bring Crius Group in for editorial work as well. Lucky us!

“Once an author has sent us new content or has revised existing content, our editors check and correct the content and language where necessary”, Julie continues.

“After this, Crius Group takes on the role of technical editor and compares the existing and the new content. They review the layout, check if there are no unauthorised changes, and they apply our house style. Only then is the content published on the web environment.

We soon noticed that this method makes the workflow far smoother and ensures more uniformity in the end result.

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The biggest difference? No more complex processes

If we can do more to help a customer, then that’s what we do. Before we entered the picture, the work process at Walburg Pers was far more complex.

The authors had to do the necessary search and replace tasks in the .csv file generated by the export from the web cms. This was necessary to achieve the desired result that we could send to the typesetter. We found it too cumbersome. So our team put their heads together.

Now the web cms provides a technically sound xml that forms the basis for the conversion to InDesign and the further formatting of the book. This conversion is partly automatic, and then our typesetters finish the book manually. At Walburg Pers they now really do ‘single source publishing’ and of course, they save a huge amount of time!

Julie Benschop, editor at Walburg Pers

What do they think about all this at Walburg Pers?

“Our work processes are far more structured so things stay calm and our editors have less hassle. Everyone now knows what is expected of them. Walburg Pers provides the content and Crius Group does the rest.”

About Walburg Pers

Walburg Pers is part of Amsterdam University Press (AUP) and publishes accessible and specific books in the fields of history, law, art and culture. An important part is the legal fund with, among other things, manuals for the notarial profession and the platform Notariaat Online.

Is this story recognizable to you and do you also want to be completely unburdened?

Our Sales Director Marcel Van Denken would be pleased to come along and see you. ☕

Contact Marcel or call us on +32 (0)15 750 750

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