Total book production under one roof

"The fact that they are our sole point of contact makes it a lot easier for us."

👉 Managing Director, Tom Deschildre, INNI Publishers

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Inni Publishers outsources layout and permanent editing to Crius Group

Inni Publishers aims to deal in content that is relevant and in line with the users’ DNA. To be able to focus fully on this, the publishing house has opted to outsource the layout and editing of permanent books to Crius Group.

Why Inni Publishers chooses Crius Group

“We think it is important that our authors feel at home in our publishing house. Supporting them comes first, and we really try to ensure the best possible cooperation. 

As a result, we sometimes have less time to spend on producing our books. With Crius Group, we have found a partner that supports us in all areas,” says Tom Deschildre of Inni Publishers.


A single point of contact from manuscript to layout

“It’s actually quite simple: we establish the contacts with the authors, of course, and look for suitable themes for our target group. Once we have received a manuscript from the author, we bring in Crius Group. They not only take on the role of typesetter, but also deal with the coordination, from the manuscript to the final proof. This means that they contact the author about things that may be unclear in the manuscript.”

We also do the language correction at Crius Group and we check the proofs. A permanent coordinating editor from our team keeps an eye on the production schedule and communicates with the author and the proofreader. “The fact that they are our sole point of contact makes it a lot easier for us. Really great cooperation, I must say!”

Faster and better typesetting process thanks to Crius Group structure

When they were outsourcing the process, Inni Publishers also looked into what improvements could be made. They created an MS Word template for their authors, so that they could work with the correct structure straight away. This makes the book layout process much smoother!

Most of their books look fairly similar. So it was logical to make use of graphic templates. This allowed a better, smarter layout process.

Everything is taken care of thanks to our team

By handing both their typesetting work and the coordination from manuscript to final proof over to us, Inni Publishers can be sure that everything will be taken care of.

“The synergy is good, but it also leaves room for other tasks in the publishing house. In short, a satisfactory partnership!” Managing Director Tom Deschildre concludes.

And if a customer is satisfied, then we are too.


About INNI Publishers

Inni Publishers is a beacon and compass for the prevention advisor, environmental coordinator, environmental expert, police force and local government. Their new online toolkit InniWise bundles all knowledge about the theme of "Well-being at work" for the prevention advisor or manager.

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Contact Marcel or call us on +32 (0)15 750 750

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