HarperCollins Holland chooses CORE
We are proud to say that the collaboration between HarperCollins Holland and Crius Group is a fact. They will be using the CORE platform for books from their general fund.
Save costs and work faster
HarperCollins and Crius Group had been talking for some time about the use of Core. A switch to this system and the new way of working for the typesetting of their books could only take place when the editors were really ready. We are proud to say that, as of May 1, 2021, the collaboration between HarperCollins Holland and Crius Group is a fact. They will be using the CORE platform for books from their general fund.
Like most publishers, we are constantly looking for ways to produce our books more efficiently. Of course this should not detract from the quality. Printing is often the first thing that comes to mind, but of course there is much more. The cost savings and the speed of the CORE process were the trigger for us to investigate whether the typesetting could also be done smarter. Moreover, many other publishers have been working with this solution for years. That gave us the confidence to work with Crius Group.![]()
Jan-Joris Keijzer
Director HarperCollins Holland
Corrections going smarter and more efficiently
Crius Group has indeed been in talking for a long time with HarperCollins Holland to introduce Core. We then started a short pilot in which two editors were able to test Core. Although this new way of working certainly took some time getting used to it for the editors, they have experienced for themselves that it really works well.
During the pilot I saw that the work for our editors is shifting. More work on the manuscript before it goes to the typesetter, but a smarter and more efficient process for making corrections. That's roughly how you can summarize it.![]()
Robbert-Jan Van Mastbergen
Production Manager HarperCollins Holland
Embracing a new way of working
It has been 5 years since Crius Group launched Core. We notice that, after a hesitant start, more and more publishers are not only interested in the benefits, but are also embracing this new way of working. Working with Core in some cases reduces the page price by 50% and that's not the only thing. The ecological footprint - there is hardly any proof traffic - and the fact that editors can work from anywhere they want is of course enormously important for publishers during and after the Corona era.
We are obviously very happy with this new collaboration and look forward to typesetting the books of HarperCollins Holland. With this collaboration we put Core even more firmly on the map in the Netherlands and there even seems to be interest from other European branches of HarperCollins. That would be a great step to further roll out Core internationally.